Why do I need to consent?
If you are coming to us for an appointment we will ask you for your consent to participate. This is because we will need to collect some personal information from you in order to complete your health assessment. Â
Giving your consent is optional.
 So that you can be informed about the decision you make about consent, this page contains information about the personal information we collect, what we do with it and how we keep it safe and secure.
Personal information and the law
You should know that KINNECT is committed to ensuring that any personal information we collect while providing our service is obtained in line with the privacy act and all relevant laws and standards we subscribe to.
Pre-Employment Assessments
Learn about consent and what it means for your pre-employment assessment with us.
Why we collect information
We need to collect your health information in order to assess the risk of you being able to perform a job role safely and provide a report to your prospective employer. It’s important for you to know that your prospective employer is not purchasing your health data, they are purchasing our interpretation of your health information, as far as it relates to your ability to work safely. Â
Specific Information we collect
We will collect information to confirm your identity (including your name, DOB and contact details) to confirm that it’s really you. Your health information (height, weight, medical history) and the results of tests (blood pressure, urinalysis) will be recorded. We will also collect general/lifestyle information (smoking, alcohol units etc) that is necessary for the accurate interpretation of your specific health information.
Sharing your personal information
We will not share your private health information with your employer. We will only share the outcome of your health assessment with your employer/prospective employer, that is our clinical opinion on the health risks and your ability to work safely in the short term. This information will only be shared with specific people within that organisation. It will not be shared with anyone else.

Storing your personal information
Under the privacy act, health records in Australia must be stored for 30+ years. We take your personal health information very seriously and you can find out more about how we keep you information safe here.

Using your de-identified health information
Because we collect your information in a digital format, we can pool the data and use it to analyse trends, improve our health assessments, and to give better advice to our clients to improve the health and safety of Australian workplaces. We only do this with de-identified (anonymous) data – never with your personal information. We will never share or use your personal data for other research purposes without expressing asking for your explicit consent to participate.

What happens if I don’t consent?
Choosing whether or not to give your consent is your choice. If you don’t consent, please note that we cannot provide a report to your prospective employer. There may be consequences to you not going ahead with your assessment which you’ll need to discuss with them.
KINNECT will never ask for you to send us your personal information by text message. If you are concerned about a text or email you may have received from KINNECT, please don’t share your information and check in with our team via live-chat.
Security & Privacy
The privacy of your personal health information is extremely important to us, and we take our responsibility to look after it seriously. Below, you will find information about the steps we take to keep your information safe and secure.
We have cyber security experts working around the clock to monitor our network to protect your data from suspicious activity.
Furthermore, KINNECT has been assessed and certified as meeting the management systems, standards and guidelines for
High grade encryption
Our servers are military-grade servers, provided by Amazon Web Services, located in Sydney. We implement AWS security capabilities to increase privacy and control network access so that all our customer information is protected. In addition, we have an additional level of expertise from an expert cyber security partner that specifically focus on the security of our network and data integrity.Â
Protecting your data
We are bound by our ISO 27001 certification to ensure that our customer information systems are designed with strong safeguards in place to help protect customer privacy and data. For instance, we use high-grade encryption to keep your information safe with the most sensitive information kept on separate servers. We also conduct regular penetration testing to identify areas for improvement.Â
Secure & limited access
We implement AWS security capabilities combined with two-factor authentication to increase privacy and control network access so that your information is protected. Access is limited internally to the staff who need to access it. No one can access our systems outside of KINNECT offices without our explicit permission. Partner (for instance our Affiliate) access to KINNECT systems is limited to inputting data, not reviewing or editing.
24/7 real time monitoring
We are proactive with efforts to keep your information safe and employ real time monitoring with an AWS Security Partner, that actively search for suspicious activity or weaknesses 24/7. We reduce the risk of security breaches occurring by spotting issues and resolving problems before they impact our business and your information.
Health Surveillance
Learn about consent and what it means for your health surveillance assessment with us.
Why we collect information
Health Surveillance medicals are designed to detect small changes in your health that could indicate harmful exposure to chemicals, substances or environments. We need to collect your information in order to assess the risk of you being able to continue to perform your job role safely without further risks to your health.Â

Specific Information we collect
We will collect information to confirm your identity (including your name, DOB and contact details) to confirm that it’s really you. Your health information (height, weight, medical history) and the results of tests (blood pressure, urinalysis, blood tests) will be recorded. We will also collect general/lifestyle information (smoking, alcohol units etc) and your occupational history that is necessary for the accurate interpretation of your specific health information.

Sharing your personal information
We will not share your private health information with your employer. We will only share the final summary report with your employer/prospective employer, that is our clinical opinion on the health risks and your ability to work safely in the short term. This information will only be shared with specific name representatives. It will not be shared with anyone else.
If we detect adverse findings that are unrelated to work, we will tell you about it, regardless of whether this has an impact on your work. If we detect adverse findings that are work-related have a duty to inform the regulator of our findings but we will not share your personal details.

Storing your personal information
Under the privacy act, health records in Australia must be stored for 30+ years. It’s also important for health surveillance medicals because the information from previous assessments we undertake is used for comparison to detect important health changes. We take your personal health information very seriously and you can find out more about how we keep you information safe here.Â

Using your de-identified health information
Because we collect your information in a digital format, we pool the data we collect and use it to analyse trends, improve our health assessments. We only use do this work with de-identified data though, not with your personal information. We will never share use your personal data for other research purposes without expressing asking for your explicit consent to participate.

What happens if I don’t consent?
Choosing whether or not to give your consent is your choice. If you don’t consent, we cannot provide our report and assessment of your health. There may be consequences to this which you’ll need to discuss with your employer.
We take the role of keeping your personal and health information safe very seriously. Find out more about Security and Privacy at KINNECT.Â
Frequently Asked Questions
More detailed information about consent can be found here. If you have a question or concern that can’t be answered here, please feel free to reach out to us.
Further information about consent
Deleting your digital footprint
Unlike requesting a shop delete your customer records, health data is different. By law, KINNECT must keep medical records for 30+ years.
Can you amend my data?
We can amend factual inaccuracies (I.e.; typo or incorrect result), however unfortunately we cannot amend or delete your health information or tests results.
Can you remove a particular element of my record?
Unfortunately we are not able to remove any element of your health assessment.
Do you use my health results if I try to get a job with another employer?
No we will not. If you have a pre-employment assessment with KINNECT and then later have another pre-employment assessment with us for a different employer, we will not look at or reference your previous results in any way.Â
What access will I have to my information following the assessment?
You have complete access to your health information consistent with Australia’s information privacy principles. Further information can be obtained from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/the-privacy-act/health-and-medical-research/)
Our consent form
We know our consent form is full of legal terminology. If you’ve got a particular question about our form, you might find the answer here.
What is meant by the term 'Stakeholder'?
Stakeholder is a collective term referring to your Employer, your Employer’s insurer, your insurer or authorised representative, or a statutory authority (a body set up by law and specifically authorised to access your information).
What is meant by ‘your participation in the assessment is voluntary – you may choose to discontinue the assessment at any time, although doing so may affect the outcome of the assessment’?
As the provider engaged to conduct your pre-employment assessment, KINNECT cannot force that you participate in the assessment. However, if you choose not to participate KINNECT would be unable to provide an opinion about any health risks. Consequently, your prospective employer, may not be able to accommodate you or your health needs, and provide for your ongoing safety while at work.
What is meant by ‘I acknowledge the relationship between me, KINNECT and the stakeholder who has engaged KINNECT to undertake this assessment’
This is simply an acknowledgement that you understand that KINNECT is a separate entity from your employer, which has been engaged to collect and evaluate your health data using our independent expertise and business systems. Based on our analysis of your situation we provide a report in a form that meets both legal requirements to protect the confidentiality of your information as well as sufficient to enable your employer to meet its duty of care to you.
What is meant by ‘the testing protocol has been designed to obtain both general and specific information’?
KINNECT will request specific information that is easily perceived as being directly related to your continued health and wellbeing at work. KINNECT will also request more general information that is necessary for the accurate interpretation of your specific health information. If there is any concern revealed by your health information, the subsequent interpretation is undertaken by a suitably qualified clinician, including if necessary, Consultant Specialist Physicians in Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
What is meant by the comment ‘ensuring you are not at any significant health risk while performing activities of daily living and or work duties’. Why would KINNECT be commenting on my risk of performing my activities of daily living?
When we assess your health risks, we look at all the probable (not merely possible) consequences of what we find. If we find a concern that might impact on your wellbeing generally, or your daily living, or your work duties specifically, we have a duty to bring that to your attention. If the finding does not impact on your ability to safely work in the short term, and we will explicitly tell your prospective employer that the finding does not impact on their risk position or their duty to you. This is a system applies to all our clients and explicitly prevents inadvertent discrimination by an employer.
Please note, we do not comment of your activities of daily living specifically, we comment of your level of risk having taken into consideration your ability to perform your activities of daily living as part of the process of understanding your ability to safely work.
Also, we understand early treatment is better than late treatment, and prevention is better than treatment, especially when there is no cure, for example the various types of lung dust diseases. If we discover a concern we bring it to your attention so that you can have it addressed by your chosen health practitioner. It is our duty of care to you. If left untreated, a little problem when discovered by KINNECT, if not addressed, could develop into a major problem that interferes with your future workability.
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