KINNECT are one of the leading Occupational Rehabilitation Providers in Australia. Our team of Occupational Therapists, Accredited Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists, Rehabilitation Counselors and Psychologists are available to help you achieve a successful return to work outcome when a workplace injury occurs.
How it Works Service Locations Pricing
KINNECT’s tertiary qualified clinicians are experienced in the delivery of these Worksite Assessments and the development of Suitable Duties Plans. Through engagement with relevant parties, knowledge of the worker’s medical diagnosis and understanding of injury pathology and recovery, KINNECT can evaluate the suitability of tasks and determine an individual’s return to work requirements.
These requirements can be documented in a formal report, providing guidance to you and your workplace. Such requirements include:
- an opinion regarding the likelihood of a successful return to work
- potential barriers that may adversely impact a positive outcome being achieved
- recommendations regarding future rehabilitation needs
Furthermore, the information gathered during the assessment can be used to develop a suitable duties program, a graduated work program (detailing duties and hours) that assists injured workers improve their functional capacity with the goal of the worker returning to their pre-injury duties. This program can ensure that both the injured worker and the workplace achieve a long term successful return to work.
How it Works
Evidence has shown that by providing injured workers with suitable duties they can complete at their original workplace, the more likely they are to return to work and the quicker they can achieve a full recovery. KINNECT’s Return to Work Program is designed to assist and guide employers with the often burdensome task of returning injured workers to their pre-injury duties following an injury.
What’s Included
- An experienced Allied Health Professional and Injury Management Specialist who will assist you in returning an injured worker back to work.
- A work site visit by your Injury Management Specialist and the identification of those duties that can be safely performed by the injured worker.
- Development of a graduated work program (detailing duties and hours) that assists injured workers improve their functional capacity with the goal of the worker returning to their pre-injury duties.
- Development of a comprehensive report detailing the work site assessment, the workers current functional capacity, the duties available and those that where identified as being safe for the worker to perform.
- 90 Minute Work Site Assessment and Development of Graduated Return to Work Plan
- Reports are completed post assessment and submitted to you within 24 Hrs.
Monitoring and Progression
Following the development of a Graduated Return to Work Plan, weekly monitoring of the plan by your KINNECT Injury Management Specialist, will ensure that both the injured worker and the workplace achieve a long term successful return to work.
What’s Included
- Weekly monitoring phone call with the injured worker to review their return to work plan progress, while also ensuring their continued safety and progression back to full duties.
- Weekly phone call to you the employer, from your Injury Management Specialist providing an update on the return to work program and any potential barriers to a successful return to work.
- Phone call to any other treating allied health and/or medical professional to receive an update on the workers injury status and treatment they are receiving (if required).
Service Locations
National Footprint
KINNECT have Accredited Drug and Alcohol Testers and offices nationally.
KINNECT service all locations within 3 hours drive of the below areas.
Brisbane, QLD
Sydney, NSW
Perth, WA
Melbourne, VIC
Adelaide, SA
Newcastle, NSW
Gold Coast, QLD
Sunshine Coast, QLD
Townsville, QLD
Cairns, QLD
Mackay, QLD
Rockhampton, QLD
Gladstone, QLD
Worksite Assessment + Suitable Duties Plan
$920.00 + GST
When is a worksite assessment required?
A work site assessment maybe required when:
- An injured worker is certified medically fit to perform restricted duties but the treating doctor has expressed concerns about issuing full medical clearance for pre-injury duties;
- The availability and/or suitability of duties need to be ascertained;
- The workplace of an injured worker requires assistance to understand the need for appropriate work restrictions and/or the best practices to ensure a return to work outcome;
- The worker requires education on self -management strategies including the use of appropriate biomechanics, rest breaks and work pacing;
- Advice is required regarding workplace design, modification, or provision of aids and appliances to maintain a durable return to work.
What is detailed in a KINNECT suitable duties plan?
A Suitable Duties Program provides information on the following:
- An injured workers restrictions;
- Suitable duties that can be performed safely without risk of injury and/or re-aggravation;
- Work hours that best matches an injured workers functional capacity;
- Recommendations regarding best practice biomechanics and proactive self – management techniques including work pacing, micro-breaks, pain control and stretches.
It should be noted that all of the above is progressed in line with a injured workers recovery and improvements made with regards to functional capacity.
What personal injury and rehabilitation schemes does KINNECT operate in?
Workers’ Compensation
State-based Workers Compensation
– WorkSafe Victoria
– SIRA (NSW State Insurance Commission)
– WorkCover Queensland
– ReturnToWorkSA
– WorkCover WA
– NT WorkSafe
– WorkSafe ACT
– Comcare
Self-Insured Employers
Specialised Insurers
Motor Accident
– Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA)
– MAIC (QLD Motor Accident Insurance Commission) CTP
– SIRA (NSW State Insurance Commission)
Life Insurance & Disability Insurance Schemes
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