KINNECT provides Physical Conditioning programs that help workers to recover and return to work following an injury.
Returning an injured worker to their role, following time away from work due to injury or illness, can be likened to returning an athlete to the field after time away from sport, in that appropriate rehabilitation can be the key to a successful return to their previous form and physical fitness.
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KINNECT can offer assistance and support with regards to rehabilitation back into the workforce, through the design of individualised work hardening or physical conditioning programs aimed at achieving functional work outcomes.
These programs are designed to simulate or duplicate the work tasks and functions of the job, in a healthy, safe, and risk free environment. In doing so, this reduces the risk of re injury and reduces the time required to achieve a full recovery and return to work.
Structured and progressive work hardening sessions increase the physical and positional tolerances of workers for their given duties. Prescribed exercises also support improved muscle coordination and endurance and improve work feasibility.
Exercise Prescription
The exact requirements of each program will be designed to suit the individual needs of each participant.
Prior to prescribing an exercise program, Tertiary Qualified KINNECT Accredited Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists will conduct a thorough physical assessment and gain an understanding of the physical requirements of the person’s job.
KINNECT clinicians will run through a range of different exercises aimed at restoring the worker’s functional strength, endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness where these elements are relevant to work demands.
Service Locations
National Footprint
KINNECT service all locations within 3 hours drive of the below areas.
Brisbane, QLD
Sydney, NSW
Perth, WA
Melbourne, VIC
Adelaide, SA
Newcastle, NSW
Gold Coast, QLD
Sunshine Coast, QLD
Townsville, QLD
Cairns, QLD
Mackay, QLD
Rockhampton, QLD
Gladstone, QLD
Physical Conditioning Session
$230.00 + GST
What gym will be used?
KINNECT are affiliated with more then 250 gyms and fitness centres throughout Australia. When performing a Physical Conditioning Program, KINNECT will utilise the closest gym to the patient thereby minimising travel associated.
How many sessions are required?
KINNECT recommend that a Physical Conditioning Program consist of 1 Initial and 4 Subsequent sessions conducted over 5 weeks. It is our philosophy that after receiving education on exercise rehabilitation for this period of time, that individuals will be able to manage their program independently.
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