Workplace Rehabilitation Services for Employers
Sustainable workplace rehabilitation outcomes for your business.
Your Worker. Your Business. Our Expertise.
Employers have looked to KINNECT for greater than two decades to provide transparent, customised and outcome-focussed workplace rehabilitation and return to work solutions. With KINNECT, you can be confident that every decision is driven to match your business’s needs, resources and culture, to the recovery at work rehabilitation needs of your injured worker.
You and your worker will be supported by a multi-disciplinary team of highly skilled, allied health and occupational medicine professionals who are experts in creating tailored return to work services that deliver sustained, measurable outcomes.
Minimise your insurance premiums, your direct and indirect financial losses through a business partner that delivers timely, evidence-based management of a workers return into the organisation following injury and/or illness.
Choose a workplace rehabilitation provider who will look after your best interests and stand with you through the entire process.Â
Making a referral
It’s easy to get the ball rolling. Simply complete our online workplace rehabilitation referral form.
Replace Uncertainty with Control
KINNECT understands that there is often a level of uncertainty that comes with an employee being injured or ill at work. With KINNECT as your workplace rehabilitation provider, you’ll never feel the need to ask the question, ‘what is happening?’
Your focus as an employer is delivering your core business so we remove uncertainty through clear and honest communication, strong negotiation and mutual goal setting with all parties. We achieve this by:
- Assigning you an Account Manager – they’ll be your dedicated point of contact should your business needs change or should you require immediate assistance.
- Providing you with transparent information on the management and return to work progress of your injured worker via frequent communication from our Clinicians or access to our online recovery at work platform, Carelever.
- Ensuring you know what your rights and obligations are, what plan is to help your worker return to work and how we are tracking towards achieving this goal.
- Guiding your organisation in the development of policies and procedures with respect to injury management and return to work. We can assist in building capability internally within your organisation to support current and future workers should they become ill or injured at work.
- Simplifying complexity – we’ll synthesise the many sources of medical information, translate and communicate it with concise and clear language so you understand how a worker’s diagnosis impacts the day-to-day operation of your business and the short- and long-term management of your injured worker.
Our Workplace Rehabilitation Services
As a provider of evidence-based, outcome-oriented RTW services, our consultants partner with stakeholders to deliver
a seamless and efficient recovery pathway for your injured worker.
Integrated services to help injured employees achieve a sustainable return to work.
Worksite Assessments
A Worksite Assessment evaluates the suitability of tasks and determines an individual's return to work requirements.
Return to Work Plans
A documented rehabilitation and return to work plan for injured workers returning to work.
Home & Activities of Daily Living Assessments
Assessments used to determine the medical, psychosocial and rehabilitation needs of an injured person recovering at home.
Functional Capacity Evaluations
A series of tests to determine a worker's physical ability for their pre-injury role.
Office Ergonomic Assessments & Training
Educate your workforce on how to correctly set up their workstation.
Onsite Injury Management
KINNECT can attend your site / office to provide the expertise of an injury management advisor on your behalf.
Onsite Physiotherapy Services
Tailored onsite physiotherapy solutions to effectively reduce the cost of injuries in the workplace.
Physical Conditioning Programs
Structured and progressive work hardening sessions for rehabilitation back into the workforce.
Adjustment to Injury Counselling
Assisting injured workers to overcome psychological barriers, delaying or preventing a return to work.
Psychological Injury Management
KINNECT Psychologists are available to assist employees overcome barriers in their return to work.
Tailored services to help employees find and sustain new employment.
Vocational Assessments
A vocational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's transferable skills, qualifications and interests.
Job Preparation Assistance
Assisting workers to identify alternate employment opportunities following injury / illness and ensure that they are 'job ready'.
Host Employment & Work Trials
A fully managed placement employment program when returning to a pre-injury role is not possible.
KINNECT can support your business in the event of a workplace injury.
InjuryKINNECT 24/7 Hotline
InjuryKINNECT is our 24/7 hotline designed to assist with all your workplace injuries.
Rapid KINNECT complements the Injury KINNECT hotline by providing a risk assessment to determine the likelihood of a difficult or delayed return-to-work.
Tailored services to tackle psychological barriers in return to work.
Adjustment to Injury Counselling
Assisting injured workers to overcome psychological barriers, delaying or preventing a return to work.
Psychological Injury Management
KINNECT Psychologists are available to assist employees overcome barriers in their return to work.
Expert involvement of a KINNECT Occupational Physician to support outcomes.
Occupational Physician Consulting
KINNECT's Occupational Physicians hold extensive experience in occupational health and can support recovery at work.
Get the strategic oversight you need
For National Employers dealing with several workplace rehabilitation cases at once, our National Account Management structure will give you the oversight you need.
The data, combined with connections at a strategic level are designed to maximise the opportunities to share learnings and insights. This is a powerful platform to take a more proactive and strategic approach to your business’s health need.
We’ve got Experience in Your Industry
Like every business, every industry is unique with its own regulations, challenges and needs. Thankfully KINNECT holds extensive experience and proven capability in the delivery of recovery at work outcomes across these industries:
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Utilities Services
Transport and Logistics
Healthcare and Social Assistance
Administrative and Support Services
Accommodation Services
Oil and Gas
Preferred Provider: A Closer Partnership Approach
Are you looking for a provider who really wants to get to know your business for the best health and wellbeing outcomes of your workforce?
KINNECT’s workplace rehabilitation consultants see themselves as a partner for your organisation and will strive to understand your business, physical workplace and legislative and regulatory requirements to enable them to deliver the best possible service.
The best way to do this is by assigning KINNECT as your Preferred Provider under your Workers Compensation policy. Assignment of a Preferred Provider is free and ensure that you always have the support of a provider who understands your business needs, practices and processes, ensuring consistent provision of recovery at work services.
Your organisation will then benefit from:
- Being assign the same clinician/s for each case who already knows your business – no need to explain your business each time you refer a case.
- The confidence of working with a provider who is focused on reducing the costs associated with work-related injuries while ensuring the productivity of the workforce is maintained.
- In-person visits and support during appointments. Unlike many providers, our clinicians are not ‘paper pushers’ – in addition to regular email and telephone contact, they attend appointments with workers, visit their worksite and even home to ensure their recovery is on track.
We Work in Your State
KINNECT is a registered and approved Workplace Rehabilitation Provider with the following state regulators.
Operate in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia? There’s a KINNECT location near you.
Frequently Asked Questions
If this is your first referral to KINNECT, welcome!
Our Frequently Asked Questions will help you through the steps and explain what happens next. Â
What details will I need to make a referral?
When making your referral, you’ll need the following details:Â
- Your details and your company’s detailsÂ
- The Worker’s details including their Date of BirthÂ
- Details of the Insurer and Claim Number (if the worker has an accepted workers compensation claim)Â
- Details about who should receive the invoice (this could be the Insurer or your Company if you are self-funded)Â
- Details about the injury or illness including any medical certificates or reports you haveÂ
- Details about the service you need (if you know this information already or are familiar with Workplace Rehab service, but don’t worry if you don’t)Â
- Details about the worker’s role including a position description, job dictionary or job task analysis (if you have one)Â
- Plus, anything else you think we need to know about the situationÂ
What happens next?
Once you’ve submitted the form, the details will be picked up by the Workplace Rehabilitation lead that is matched with your location. You’ll hear from us within 24 hours to confirm we have your referral and outline the next steps.Â
When will the service be scheduled?
We aim to schedule your service as quickly as possible after we get your referral, normally within 48 hours, however this can sometimes be delayed if we are particularly busy in your area. We’ll keep you up to date if we think there is going to be a delay. Â
Paying for the service
For most of our clients, their insurer will foot the bill for any services so you won’t need to worry, but if you are self-funded, you might want some more information about how this works. You won’t need to pay at the point of the referral. Once we know what services you’ll need, we will let you know the costs and then you’ll have a choice to pay via Credit Card or we can invoice you instead.Â
If you want to pay via invoice, you’ll need to set up a Credit Account with KINNECT. That’s really easy too and you can find more information via this link.Â
Talk to us
Our experienced consultants are happy to talk through any concerns or question you might have before your making your referral. Complete our contact form and we’ll give you a call.
Ready to partner with KINNECT?
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Have a need in a particular location? View our service capabilities throughout Australia.